
Friday, 28 August 2015

My Highlight of the Tralton Trip

My highlight of the Tarlton trip was a day off school. During morning  tea  time we sat near a really cool glass window  through which we could see the sea and the city.I enjoyed the turtle lying underneath the rock. It did not come out because it was afraid of us or maybe of the other sea creatures. I also really enjoyed watching the stingrays swimming by and also the other fishes. Although the interesting thing was that I saw a real live puffer fish for the first time and it was incredible and amazeballs. It was also my first time seeing and discovering the Lion Fishes and Jelly Fishes. The Jelly FIshes were in different kind of colours like green, blue and also white. It was so interesting and amazing to see that.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Kelly Tarltons Movenote

This video is about the part that I liked the most at Kelly Tarltons.

Friday, 14 August 2015

Sean Shark Week

Sean is very brave, especially for a boy  his  age. He is very keen to save the  sharks and so am I. He is trying to stop fisherman's from cutting the shark's fins but to save them.

Friday, 7 August 2015

Who am I?

who  am I ?

I am a small fish that lives in tropical waters all over the world. I have big jaws so watch out all you little fishes, before I eat you!

Monday, 3 August 2015


I am learning to find a quarter of an object or a shape in Maths.